I’d Rather Be with You

目录 / Contents

I'd Rather Be with You

  • Artist: Joshua Radin
  • Album: Simple Times
  • Translator: Winter Sun

Sitting here, on this lonely dock 坐在孤零零的码头上
Watch the rain play on the ocean top 看雨滴在海面欢腾嬉戏
All the things I feel I need to say 心中溢满要诉说的话语
I can't explain in any other way 除倾吐之外别无他法

I need to be bold 我要需要勇气
Need to jump in the cold water 能够不顾一切,纵身跃入冰冷水中
Need to grow older with a girl like you 才能和你这样的男孩白头到老
Finally see you are naturally 我终于发现,你是那个自然而然就能
The one to make it so easy 让一切如此简单纯粹的人
When you show me the truth 你让我窥见世界本真
Yeah, I'd rather be with you 千真万确,我只愿同你一道
Say you want the same thing too 告诉我,你也想的,对吗

Now here's the sun, come to dry the rain 云销雨霁 阳光晒干雨露
Warm my shoulders and relieve my pain 温暖我的肩膀,消散我的苦痛
You're the one thing that I'm missing here 此时此刻,我唯独希望你在我身侧
With you beside me I no longer fear 只要你在,我便不再惊惶

I need to be bold 我需要勇气
Need to jump in the cold water 能够不畏得失,纵身跃入冰冷水中
Need to grow older with a girl like you 才能和你这样的男孩白头到老
Finally see you are naturally 我终于明白,你才是那个自然而然就能
The one to make it so easy 让万事万物如此轻松美好的人
When you show me the truth 你带我领略世间真谛
Yeah, I'd rather be with you 千真万确,我只愿与你相守
Say you want the same thing too 回答我,你也如此向往着,不是吗

I could have saved so much time for us 我本能为你我省下漫长岁月
Had I seen the way to get to where I am today 如若我能早些预知,遇见你的契机,那该多好
You waited on me for so long 你等我出现,等了太久太久
So now, listen to me say: 而今我就在这里,请你听我诉说:

I need to be bold 我已经有了足够的勇气
Need to jump in the cold water 只待纵身一跃,坠入冰冷水中
Need to grow older with a girl like you 问你,是否愿和我白头到老
Finally see you are naturally 遇见你,我方才明白,自然而然地心安的感觉
The one to make it so easy 只是因为,你在我身边,让一切如此简单纯粹
When you show me the truth 你让我寻到活着的真谛
Yeah, I'd rather be with you 千真万确,我只愿与你,一生一世
Say you want the same thing too 请回答我,你是不是,也这般地爱着我

小记 / Notes


Picture: Created with Wombo